Community Grants

Community Grants Application

Please complete the community grants application below.
If you are an international applicant without a Federal EIN or Tax ID you may enter “NA”
Organization Address

Event/Program/Project Details

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Contact Person
Has this event/program/project been funded by the Foundation in the past 5 years?
Is this a new event/program/project?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Community Grant Policies and Procedures

The Foundation was established to put on community events like the annual Wylie Walleye Drop on New Years Eve. Foundation funding is made possible through the generous contributions of the community and its friends. Grants will be made for $250 as a minimum and $1,000 as a maximum. Grant Priorities The Foundation funds grants exclusively to nonprofit, 501(c)3 tax-exempt organizations. The Foundation only considers projects with community or internal value. Among local projects, those that will have an impact in the City of Port Clinton or throughout Ottawa County are preferred. Funds will be approved for programming that reaches out to new or different clients or a new program. Capital items will only be funded if depreciable and specific in nature. The Foundation will not fund the following:

1. General Operating Expenses. “Operating Expenses” include, but shall not be limited to, the following:

  • Payroll and any payroll-related expenses
  • Insurance
  • License fees
  • Rent
  • Fundraising costs
  • Research
  • Marketing
  • Professional fees
  • General building and maintenance repairs
  • Utilities
  • Taxes
  • Vehicle expenses
  • Travel expenses
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Foundation shall have the discretion to fund operating expenses that will be used solely for (a) a designated program not previously offered by the organization that is directly related to its charitable purpose and service to the community, or (b) the expansion of an existing program directly related to the organization’s charitable purpose and service to the community that will significantly increase the number of persons benefitting from such program.  In addition, while general building maintenance and repairs will not be funded, building maintenance, repairs, additions, and/or replacements may be funded when they primarily benefit a portion of the building directly associated with the carrying out of the organization’s charitable purpose and service to the community.

2. Debt Repayment. Grant funds will not be provided to pay for a program, project, or purchase that has already been expensed prior to the approval of the Foundation grant.
3. Lines of Credit.

4. Endowments
Types of Grants
Grant Procedures
  • Grant applications are located on the Foundation website.
  • By submitting a grant application, applicants agree to follow all the grant procedures outlined herein.
  • Applicants shall complete and submit the application and all support documentation through the Foundation website. The following supporting documentation in required:
    • The Organization Mission Statement or Comparable Statement of Purpose,
    • IRS letter evidencing 501(c)(3) or comparable tax-exempt status under the IRS code,
    • An itemized project budget, including specifics on how the requested funds will be used,
    • The Organization’s most recent annual financial report.
    • Note: the Foundation will verify each applicant’s charitable exemptions status via the IRS website.
  • The Board of Directors will review each submittal and recommend grants for approval to the Foundation Trustees who will determine final allocations.
  • All grant recipients will be notified in writing by the Foundation
  • Applicants whose projects are approved will be expected to sign a Grant Agreement and to complete and return a Grant Report.  For traditional grants, the Grant Report is due within six (6) months.  For transformational grants, multiple Grant Reports may be due and shall be due as set forth in the Grant Agreement, or, if the Grant Agreement is silent on this point, within six (6) months of each receipt of grant funds.
For additional information, please contact the Foundation.

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